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Linear Feedthroughs

Linear feedthroughs are products that are used to linearly feed
equipment/devices in a vacuum from the atmosphere side while
preserving them in a vacuum state. Our linear feed throughs are used by
our customers for various purposes, such as lowering substrate stages
and transferring wafers. With two types of linear feedthroughs available,
including a bellows seal type and a magnetic seal type with manual and
automatic drive systems, IRIE KOKEN offers products that meet various

IRIE KOKEN’s welded bellows are incorporated, and strokes from 10 to 200mm are standardized.Adoption of welded bellows for the drive part seal allows it to be used in ultrahigh vacuum regions.Downsizing and weight reduction are achieved by its very simple structure with emphasis on functionality.
The manual type is designed to withstand a baking temperature of 250°C.
* For the baking temperature and motor specifications of the automatic type, consult us. (It is designed individually.)


Bellows-sealed linear feedthrough   manual type(ILD-M)



Bellows-sealed linear feedthrough    automatic type  (ILD-A)


Bellows-sealed compact linear feedthrough  (ILC)



Common Specifications


Model ILC-34-▢ ILD-▢M▢ ILD-▢A▢
Drive method Manual Manual Motor-driven
Leak rate 1×10-10Pa・m3/s or less 1×10-9Pa・m3/s or less
Baking temperature 150℃ or less 250℃ or less -
Main material SUS304
Bellows material SUS315L

List of bellows-sealed linear feedthroughs


Name Drive method Connection flange End shaft diameter
Stroke Model Product drawing download
Compact feedthroughs

Detailed specifications

Manual CF34 φ6 10mm ILC-34-10 PDF
15mm ILC-34-15 PDF
20mm ILC-34-20 PDF
Manual feedthroughs

Detailed specifications

Manual CF34 φ6 30mm ILD-34M30 PDF
50mm ILD-34M50 PDF
CF70 φ8 30mm ILD-70M30 PDF
50mm ILD-70M50 PDF
100mm ILD-70M100 PDF
CF114 φ14 50mm ILD-114M50 PDF
100mm ILD-114M100 PDF
150mm ILD-114M150 PDF
200mm ILD-114M200 PDF
Motor-driven feedthroughs

Detailed specifications

Motor-driven CF70 φ8 50mm ILD-70A50 PDF
100mm ILD-70A100 PDF
150mm ILD-70A150 PDF
CF114 φ14 50mm ILD-114A50 PDF
100mm ILD-114A100 PDF
150mm ILD-114A150 PDF
CF152 φ22 100mm ILD-152A100 -
CF203 φ22 100mm ILD-203A100 -

Individually designed products

Even in cases where specifications cannot be
satisfied with standard products
we will consider your individual needs.

If you have a specific request, please let us know the details of your specifications.
We will propose the best design for various uses, so please feel free to contact us.

Related Information


Solution cases


For document requests and inquiries,
Please contact us using the email form below or by phone.