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Bellows Material


Materials used for bellows


Generally, we use the following materials.

Type Material Type Material Type Material
Welded bellows SUS316L Formed bellows SUS316L Flexible tube SUS304
AM350 equivalent HC-22 SUS316L
HC-22 A3004  

*HC-22: Hastelloy®C-22

We also have a record of production performance for the following materials according to customer designation.

Type Material Type Material Type Material
Welded bellows SUS304 Formed bellows SUS304 Flexible tubes HC-22
SUS316 SUS304L A3004
INCONEL®600 SUS316  
Titanium, etc... Titanium, etc...  

INCONEL®・INCOLOY® (registered trademarks of Special Metals Corporation

Basically, Welded bellows can be manufactured as long as welding is possible.

Formed bellows can be manufactured as long as welding is possible and materials have elongation.


Features of materials


We generally use the following materials

Classification Materials Features
Austenitic stainless steel SUS304
These materials demonstrate machinability and weldability,
and heat-resisting and corrosion resistance property to some
SUS304L has been improved in corrosion resistance by
reducing carbon to 0.03% or less.
These materials are commonly used as bellows materials.
Among austenitic stainless steel materials,they are
particularly excellent in corrosion resistance.
Corrosion resistance has been improved by adding
molybdenum to SUS304.
SUS316L has been improved in corrosion resistance by
reducingcarbon to 0.03% or less.
Semiaustenitic precipitation
harding stainless steel
AM350 equivalent This material offers excellent formability in the solution
treatment state, and can be combined with high hardness
by heat treatment. Since the yield strength is high, it has
spring characteristics with little hysteresis, and also since
the tensile strength is high, bellows with high life
performance can be manufactured.
High nickel alloy Hastelloy®C-22 This Ni-Cr-Mo alloy demonstrates excellent corrosion
resistance and heat-resisting in an oxidizing atmosphere.
Hastelloy®C-22 is a registered trademark of Haynes
International, Inc., and is equivalent to UNS 06022. It can
undergo plastic working or forming in a manner similar
to stainless steel.
Aluminum alloy A3004 The composition of this Al-Mn based aluminum alloy
is Al-1.2Mn-1.0Mg.
Because it is excellent in formability and corrosion
resistance, this material is best for formed bellows.
A5052 The composition of this Al-Mg based aluminum alloy is
This is the most representative alloy demonstrating
moderate strength, and excellent in corrosion resistance,
weldability, and formability.

Precautions for material selection

The features of three types of bellows materials commonly used by us are summarized in the following table.

Magnetism Price
(500°C or less)
Non-magnetic Low
AM350 equivalent
(welded bellows only)
(450°C or less)
Magnetic Higher
than SUS
(800°C or less)
Non-magnetic High

Features may vary depending on usage environment.
Regarding corrosion resistance, materials should be selected according to the fluid used.
With increasing temperature, the bellows performance deteriorates. Also, since the usable temperature cannot be exceeded, select materials in consideration of maximum operating temperature.
We also deal with welded bellows materials having magnetism; therefore, caution should be exercised if magnetism can affect the functions of your equipment.
Prices in the table indicate material costs. When considering bellows needed to obtain the same axial displacement, there are cases in which higher-cost materials are more advantageous.

Glossary of bellows terms

Product Information List


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