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THE 17 GOALS - Sustainable Development


IRIE KOKEN CO., LTD. 's  SDGs Declaration

Based on the premise of our corporate philosophy, “We aim to be a company that lasts for 100 years by providing customers with perfect products and the best possible service, ensuring that our products are used for a long time, and continuing to win the hearts of our customers,” this report summarizes the key themes that IKC should address in light of the SDGs.

Business Vision

To realize our corporate philosophy, we will improve stakeholder satisfaction by flexibly implementing specific and ongoing initiatives in response to social changes in order to promote sustainable business activities based on social responsibility.


Policy 1.As a "Small global company" we will contribute to society by providing original products and services.

●Propose our products and services to solve social issues
●Improve productivity and convenience by actively introducing new methods


Policy 2 . We will promote efforts to reduce environmental impact and protect human rights.

●Reduce waste/emissions and promote recycling
●Active adoption of environmentally friendly materials and parts
●Building SCM based on respect for human rights/en/company/sdgs/SDGs_policy2.html


Policy 3. We will work in harmony with local communities.

●Contribution to the Community, Care, and Assistance
●Regional revitalization through collaboration with local government agencies


Policy 4. We aim to realize an environment in which everyone can grow while working with vitality.

●Improved life-work balance
●Creating a rewarding workplace and structure with aspirations to improve

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