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Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

We recognize that the preservation of the global environment is the most important issue common to all humankind, and we will promote concrete efforts to address environmental issues through our business activities, while contributing to society.

Environmental Policy

IRIE KOKOEN CO., LTD. has established an environmental management system to harmonize its business activities, including the design, development, and manufacture of products, with the environment, and is committed to continuous improvement and pollution prevention to reduce environmental impact.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will not only comply with environmental laws, regulations, agreements, and local commitments, but also set voluntary standards within technical and economic limits to further protect the environment.

Continuous reduction of environmental impact and prevention of pollution

We will strive to use energy efficiently, including electricity, gas, and water, and contribute to the prevention of global warming.
We will strive to reduce the generation of waste, as well as to recycle and reuse waste generated.

Improvement of Environmental Management System

We will conduct internal environmental audits to maintain our environmental management system and improve the management level.
We will strive to improve the knowledge and skills of all employees through education, training, and awareness activities in order to raise their environmental awareness and recognition.

Publication and Communication of Environmental Policy

We will make our environmental policy known to all employees at our business sites.
We will willingly disclose our environmental policy to external parties.
We will cooperate with the local community to improve the environment by recognizing the location of our business site and communicating with related government agencies and local residents.

Company Profile List


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